Creativity is about letting go of all preconceived notions
December 9 2024
while creating ituvana, the most rewarding part of the journey has been learning to trust my inner voice in decision-making...
'TAMAN VANA' and Tri Hita Karana
December 4 2024
representing emotions and activities that connect us to the essence of who we really are...
'SAMADHI VANA' and Coming Home
September 7 2023
many of us navigate through the world without being connected to the natural world around us...
'SAMCARA VANA' and Finding my Atman Self
December 4 2020
during lock down, I had the desire to dive deeper, to get a broader understanding of my existence...
This Spoke to Me
May 14 2020
a friend recently connected me with a professor from Parsons who shared this excerpt on our group chat and it really spoke to me...
‘SAHAJA VANA’ Tour D'horizon
January 10 2020
familiarity is the prohibitor to one's destiny. Embracing the unfamiliar will eventually make one familiar with the unfamiliar...